About the HOMies

The HOMies are a set of eight characters that each embody habits of mind that successful writers, artists, scientists, musicians, mathematicians and others employ in order to be successful in their domain. The HOMies are a schoolwide framework that acknowledges the character traits at the heart of learning and creativity. The HOMies provide a common language across subjects that enables students to face challenges, tell stories, look closely, imagine ideas, practice their craft, learn from others, invent solutions, and reflect on their work to improve.


Demetrius Fuller created “The HOMies” during his 20 year career as an Elementary School Art Teacher in Chelsea, Massachusetts. In 1998, he created the first character, “The Brave Artist” to encourage students to overcome fears around trying a new skill or creating something original. He would sing the “chant” and show students how The Brave Artist was not afraid to try new things and would turn a mistake into something new. The Brave Artist led to genuine excitement for learning and creating.genuine excitement for learning and creating.

Around 2010, a high school teacher in Chelsea introduced Demetrius to the book Studio Thinking (Hetland, Winner, Veenema & Sheridan, 2007) This book described “Studio Habits of Mind” that teacher and students employ while engaging in the arts. They inspired Demetrius - perpetually interested in many subjects and their inherent overlaps - to connect across the school disciplines. The Brave Artist grew to become the Brave One. Demetrius synthesized the Studio Habits with many other habit-of-mind frameworks across the disciplines. To make these facets come alive for students, he turned them into characters, each with their own attributes and backstories. Thus the HOMies were born! (The H.O.M. of HOMies stands for Habits Of Mind.)

Throughout his college and teaching career, it became clear that deep down, the behaviors artists employ are the same behaviors used to excel in any subject. Often, these opportunities are missed in traditional education. What if all subjects could share and critique their work on the same level that they do in Art School? What if all subjects could learn to boldly and loosely get their ideas down and move them around at will? What if the open curiosity and questioning that drives a scientist could fuel all school subjects? Genuine discovery is present in all our subjects, and the HOMies encourage our students to find it.

Recently, Demetrius has gone from using the HOMies in his classroom to having the framework adopted as part of the schoolwide curriculum. Along with William Chapman-Hale (a reading coach and early adopter of the HOMies), Demetrius has now begun training teachers and administrators, working with other schools and districts, using the HOMies to discover the true joy and freedom of learning.