Captain of the Clouds
You leverage the immense power of visualization to imagine things, generate ideas and solve problems.
You visualize your work in your “mind-cloud”
When creating something new, you take time to see your product in your mind’s eye. You visualize the process of creating and work out kinks or try out different iterations.
Micro Challenge: Magic Triangle
Close your eyes (Or don’t). Imagine there’s a giant red triangle floating above a calm lake. It’s slowly spinning. It’s beautiful. Now imagine the triangle bursts into a million shiny pieces & each piece falls into the ocean. Pause. Now open your eyes. Did you imagine it?
You step into that world
When imagining a product, a creative piece, or future scenario, you imagine yourself in the world where your creation or idea already exists. A writer might role-play their story from different characters’ points of view; an engineer might imagine experiencing an aspect of life with the product they are designing. You could call this “Seeing things from the inside.”
Micro Challenge: What Would You See?
Take yourself through the maze of hallways. Pretend you come across each image in the maze, in the order they appear in the picture. Then, choose: which perspective would you be likely to encounter when inside the maze of hallways?
You use mental models
From the earliest moments in our lives, we begin creating mental models, or schema, for how different parts of our world are structured and how they function. These mental models help us take in and organize new learning.
Micro Challenge: Clean Your Room!
Your room is a mess! You’ve been told to clean it up in 15 minutes! There’s a pile of stuff on the floor: some dirty clothes, clean clothes, shoes, some old homework and drawings you did, and your favorite books! What will you clean up first!? Next? Start with the easiest things first to get them out of the way! Picture yourself doing this! Be a Captain of the Clouds....and clean that room!